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Winners R Grinners!

Omega Smeg
The Metro Sydney
David Jones
Don Foods
Hungry Jack's
RACV Roadside Assist
Fiasco's Restaurant

NGE Mailbag
NGE News

No Reply
Companies / Govt who dont reply

Litigious Companies
Companies who threaten legal action

Info Links
Helpful Websites

NGE Retractions & Apologies
None at current time


Member FAQs

Who do I ask for help logging on and all other problems?

For all tech hassles with the NGE site, email our Website Manager, Kerri Dennis

How do I change my Password?

Make sure you are logged in. Then click on

How do I opt out of the Weekly Email?

Make sure you are logged in. Then click on and untick the box. See simple.

Why when I'm logged in,do I get told I'm NOT logged in. What is happening?

You might have a cookies problem. You can set your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set. (Each browser is different, so check the "Help" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.)

If you reject all cookies, you will not be able to use Not Good Enough services that require you to "sign in," and you may not be able to take full advantage of all services, such as forums. However, many NGE services do not require that you accept cookies.

Where's my Have Your Say contribution?

Contributions to Have Your Say are currently stored in an off-screen archive. While you cannot see them, be assured we have them and they are regularly selected for the Weekly Top 10 list. If you want everyone to read your gripe, post it in Gripe HQ as well.

Is the NGE Site moderated?

Yes, the NGE site is currently monitored by four moderators who are in constant contact with each other and with the site founder, Fiona Stewart. The moderators have total discretion about the removal of threads that break the rules of Gripe HQ. Questions to the moderators can be posted in the discussion forum titled: Moderator HQ. The moderators are volunteer members of the NGE site.

My contribution in Gripe HQ has disappeared. Where did it go?

The Gripe HQ Rules state: "Any members who post messages deemed abusive, sexist, racist, homophobic or otherwise obnoxious" will have their postings removed. This will be done at the discretion of the moderators.

About Not Good Enough

How can Not Good Enough help me?

Not Good Enough works for consumers in 2 main ways.

  • NGE collects consumer feedback. In doing so, NGE links consumers together, providing an online space for advice to be sought and experiences shared.
  • NGE provides companies and government with access to consumer feedback from the NGE site so that they may know where they are going wrong and do something about it. Companies pay for this service.

For consumers NGE ensures that companies hear from consumers. This means that solutions are faster and more effective.

What's in it for Me?

NGE provides consumers with a place to have their say. NGE promotes a peer environment (or p2p) where users can compare notes with others in the same boat. This can be a powerful way to gain background information on a complaint or a particular company.

And, of course, combining forces with other consumers, you have a much better chance of your problem getting heard.

Why do I have to Register?

You need to register so we can contact you to verify your complaints. Research shows that when we need to provide details about who we are, we are much more likely to be honest online. Of course we trust you, but this is our safeguard. Most importantly, we want to be able to contact you to send you your free NGE tshirt when you win our Gripe of the Week. Now that makes sense!

What is the Business of Not Good Enough?

Not Good Enough receives no government funding or corporate sponsorship. As an independent organisation, NGE relies on corporate services and consumer subscriptions for its income. We believe that real time access to your feedback is valuable. It is only right that companies should pay.

NGE does not sell consumer data. Rather, it sells access to the data. In phase 2, NGE will sell reports based upon business analysis of your feedback.

Does Not Good Enough accept advertising?

NGE accepts no advertising, sponsorship or inducements.

What does NGE do with my personal details?

The personal details that members provide NGE are solely for the benefit of verification purposes. These details are stored in a database facility and kept secure. They are not sold or disclosed in any way to any third party. No company has access to your details.

If your complaint is selected for listing in the Top 10 Gripes, you will be asked if you wish your details to be forwarded to the company so that your complaint may be resolved. This choice is entirely yours.

How does Not Good Enough balance its commitment to companies with its commitment to consumers?

At NGE we believe that companies and government do not hear enough about what they are doing wrong and how to fix it. After all, only 5% of unhappy customers complain to management. This is despite the fact that most companies have market research, customer service departments and public relations offices.

We want people who complain to be heard. We want to use your voices to provide solutions to companies. Selling access to your feedback is what makes NGE tick as it funds our site.

To learn more about corporate services, click here.

What happens to my contributions to the Not Good Enough website?

Contributions to Not Good Enough are archived on a secure server system. Access to the archives is available only to NGE management.

Contributions to Have Your Say are stored on a private archive with many used for the weekly Top 10 Gripes list.

Contributions to Gripe HQ are publicly viewable by all members. These are also often used for the weekly Top 10 Gripes list.

Both forums provide NGE with consumer feedback that comanies can access.

  1. Automated Email alert subscription
  2. Search facility
  3. Research reports

At all times, anonymity of members is guaranteed in any information produced by NGE.

How are the Top 10 Gripes picked?

Each Monday, NGE publishes a Top 10 List of complaints received on the site. The complaints chosen can reflect the seriousness of all complaints, the ludicrousness of the processes involved and, in many cases, the simplicity of the fix required. This means that the complaints listed contain informative and important consumer information. This is a standard qualitative research rating approach.

How does NGE verify the Top 10 Gripes each week?

NGE obtains written assurance from members that their contribution to the Weekly Top 10 Gripes are true, genuine and current. Companies are then contacted, and when permission is granted the member's details are forwarded directly to the company. This speeds the resolution process.

When the Top 10 list is published every Monday, both the consumer complaint and the company response are included. "No Reply at Time of Press" is published if a company chooses not to respond.

Why is Not Good Enough a and not a

When Not Good Enough was set up, the domain was not available. And, heck, we like the connotations of being a as we see ourselves as a community service. We hope you do too.

Does Not Good Enough use Cookies?

Not Good Enough uses cookies, or stored information relating to your choices within our site. We only store the information while you are using our site and the information collected is deleted as soon as you quit your internet browser. If you're having trouble posting on the site, even though you're logged in, it's because your browser is not accepting cookies. A small problem you can fix.

How did Not Good Enough come about?

Not Good Enough is the brainchild of Fiona. Flying back from Brisbane around the time Ansett collapsed, Fiona was disappointed with Qantas, counters were closed despite massive queues, the Qantas lounge was mess. Not *!# Good Enough was the term that came to mind and the website was born.

And besides, we don't have consumer unions. We don't have politicians who are elected to get consumers a fair go.

Not Good Enough is the website that gets consumer voices heard. For companies, Not Good Enough provides the solutions they need.

Who owns Not Good Enough?

Not Good Enough is owned by the individuals who work on and for NGE..

Who works in Not Good Enough?

Not Good Enough has a staff of nine full time and part time workers. This includes management, tech, sales and marketing, legal, research and website moderators.

Top 10 Gripes
  1. Westpac*
  2. Fernwood*
  3. Bride to Be Mag*
  4. Australia Post*
  5. Mary Delahunty MP
  6. Video Ezy
  7. Communications R Us*
  8. Direct Dial Cars/*
  9. Ikea
  10. Camperworld*

* Denotes response

NGE Scorecard

Who's Getting What Results

Chubb Home Security
Lenards Chicken
Harvey Norman
VIP Home Services
AAA Fencing
St George

This list is a small selection of the results achieved by NGE

The Corporate Line

Where Companies have their say

Virgin Blue
BT Funds
SA Water
Virgin Mobile

Quote Box
William Scherkenbach

NGE User Agreement
NGE User Agreement

Today is International Human Rights Day. Does the Howard Government do enough for human rights?

I'm not sure

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