Posted: 04 Sep 08 23:14
Post subject: Only In America....
Glad I don't have to vote for the next USA president as neither do anything for me this time. McCain sounds like another Bush (whom I dislike intensely) & Obahma seems inexperienced & after the populist vote...he just doesn't strike me as presidential material.
I can't wait for their election to be over as I'm so sick of hearing about it on our news every night.
Posted: 04 Sep 08 21:13
Post subject: Only In America....
"Yep, all 27 of them."
This is America. And while most of the people are perfectly normal citizens, they seem to have a huge proportion of nutjobs. Look at who they elected to run the country now, twice....
Posted: 04 Sep 08 00:38
Post subject: Only In America....
Pretty typical of politics really. The aim is to dig up as much dirt on the opposition as possible & I don't think America is unique in that one.
From what I have read, Sarah Palin is opposed to sex education in schools & an advocate of abstinence before marriage. Her strong stance on that issue has just blown up in her face with her 17yo daughter pregnant. It's good fodder for the media as it makes a mockery of her convictions.
Posted: 03 Sep 08 23:41
Post subject: Only In America....
This week a certain woman named Sarah Palin burst onto the news scene as the running mate for US Republician presential nominee John McCain. As reported, she is the Governor of Alaska.
Strangely enough, little is known about her but more known about her daughter Bristol, who is 16 years old and pregnant (just like hundreds of thousands of 16 year olds across the globe - so what?).
US politics, media and the public have a lot to answer for if this is all that consumes them on the eve of a presidential election.