Posted: 16 Sep 08 13:01
Post subject: Bad Batch
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
Good nourishment for pets does not come in cans. If you do some internet research on pet foods and leave out the high pressure sales pitch that makes the pet food companies rich your pets will have better health. Just like humans, dogs and cats need a variety of fresh (uncooked) foods. We feed our golden retrievers on some dry biscuits but mostly raw chicken frames, raw red meat (beef, kangaroo or horse) carrots, green vegetables, cored apples, bananas etc. and I will bet my food bill is less than yours. The animals don't mind if the veges and fruit are second grade!
Posted: 14 Sep 08 20:05
Post subject: Bad Batch
Organisation name: Pedigree Chum Dog Food
Issue type: Complaint
We have always purchased Chum canned and dry dog food for our dogs. Until now, we have never had any concerns with the quality or value of the product.
Last week, we purchased a can of dog food and opened it the same day. There was a large amount of green and white mold in the top of the can. The can was not damaged and had no dents etc from the Supermarket.
When we contacted the customer service number, all we received was excuses - it was either our fault or the supermarket's fault. The consultant also said that if our dogs had eaten it, they doubt they would have gotten sick (it's mold for cripes' sakes!).
We had to call back with the batch number and spoke to a second consultant who gave us the same treatment (our fault/ supermarket's fault).
Neither of the consultants apologised for the quality of the product, nor did they do anything to restore our trust in a product we have purchased for years. Furthermore, neither (to our knowledge) have a vetinary science degree, and yet were giving us advice that our pure bred great dane would have been fine if she'd eaten it.
The company's response? To send us credit for the can of dog food.
As far as we are concerned - this is not good enough. We are not seeking free products, what we wanted was to have our trust in this brand restored, but it is not.
Our respons? We will be sending the credit back to the company and will never be purchasing this product again.