Posted: 29 Oct 08 22:02 Post subject: Disconection when account is paid ON TIME and IN FULL Organisation name: Not Applicable Issue type: Comment
That Energex mob is the most incompetent rabble I’ve ever dealt with.
Just the thought of them gives me a sick feeling in the stomach.
They’re acting illegally and criminally, and expect to get away with it because they’re the Queensland government’s (in lowercase) cash cow, and a protected species in hiding.
They inherited that problem from Joh Bananas’ regime, and the present mob has expanded on it, with the result that Queensland has the most expensive, inefficient and primitive electricity system.
The only solution is to enclose your meter, so that they can’t get to the main switch anymore.
The meter readers are very good at saying that they don’t have access to the meters.
Enclosing meters is getting more common, even though it makes the likes of Energex spew.
In many places, people enclose their meters because of the increasing criminality, where the criminals cut off people’s electricity after dark to attack, rob and murder them in their houses.
Posted: 28 Oct 08 08:43 Post subject: Disconection when account is paid ON TIME and IN FULL Organisation name: Origin Energy Issue type: Complaint
We signed with Origin Energy on the 2nd of April 2008 and have kept their letter of 'congratulations' safely. Ironically, this letter actually states: 'sit back relax and enjoy the benefits of being with us. You don't need to do anything further'.
On the 16th of September we recieved an bill of $1078.95 (almost 3 times our usual consumption) while we were very unhappy at having to pay such an amount we arranged with origin to split the account into two payments of $600 and $478.95.
Both payments were made prior to the due date and the account is paid in full.
Last night we returned home to find we had no electricity. We attempted to contact Origin but found they have NO after hours contact number and only advertise the Energex emergancy numbers for such circumstances.
Eventually, we spoke with a person from energex who informed us that electricity had been disconnected because Origin informed them that the premises was vacant.
Even with our account number, receipts and letter from April stating we had an account with origin, energex refused to reconnect the service.
Energex staff was informed that we have an asthmatic chid in the house who regularly uses her nebuliser which requires power and we were (rudely)told 'then she can stay at the hospital'. there was no attempt to rectify their error (note the energex card in the letter box last night was the first contact recieved from them). only a statement that they 'have to deal with this all the time' and our only option is to wait until origin opens again and talk to them.
I am absolutely digusted with energex and origin and intend to take my complaint to the ombudsman immediately.