Origin hide behind "policy" and cost me money
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PostPosted: 29 Jan 09 18:36
Post subject: Origin hide behind "policy" and cost me money
Organisation name: Not Applicable
Issue type: Comment

Thanks. I just googled Red Energy and it seems they're only in Victoria?? Don't worry, it will be tomorrows job to look into switching providers ... as well as follow up that elusive appointment booking so they can do what should have been done already (and actually probably already has been!)
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PostPosted: 29 Jan 09 18:01
Post subject: Origin hide behind "policy" and cost me money
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment

Can you change to another supplier? If you are in a Red Energy area, I have found them to be honest and always do what they promise the first time. Of course I have not needed much, but check them out if they service your area. The actual supplier remains the monopoly with the infrastructure, but Red does all the billing.

If you can change it will take up to two billing cycles, but in the end you should be happier regardless of who you go with.
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PostPosted: 29 Jan 09 16:45
Post subject: Origin hide behind "policy" and cost me money
Organisation name: Origin Energy
Issue type: Complaint

In December last year we arranged to have Tariff 33 connected to save costs associated with running our pool filter. Our electrician did his thing, filed the appropriate forms, Origin arranged to have an Energex guy turn up to do his thing to ensure T33 was connected. He even spoke to my husband that it was all done and we were on T33.

Last week I received our first bill after the change. I couldn't see where the lower rate appeared on the bill so called Origin in a humble frame of mind to have someone walk me through it.
Needless to say, exactly 31 minutes later I was left angry and frustrated.

Apparently it is Origin policy to automatically put everyone on off-peak or tariff 31 EVEN IF THEY ASK FOR tariff 33. Apparently, I was somehow supposed to know this and that I have to call them to make further arrangements to have another energex guy to come out to connect T33! Come On! Not only is this absolutely ludicrous but NO ONE ever mentioned this either in writing or in one of the numerous phone calls I had with them to organise it in the first place.

So, for the past month we have been getting ripped off, running the pool filter more often but thinking we were on the lower tariff when we're not.
Funny thing is, the Energex guy told us it was all done and we were on now T33. AND the filter goes off around 5.40pm which I understand is around the T33 time.

Not only that, they charged us the full 14.81c/kWh for both peak and off peak. (That's why I couldn't find the savings in the bill - THERE WERE NONE).

Besides all of this, their customer service is hugely lacking. The second guy I spoke to couldn't answer my questions and didn't come back after putting me on hold. (This is even before I was cranky).

Some woman than just took over without even introducing herself (Don't worry, I got her name before the end of the call) and was immediately poised for battle. Although, she did say she'd arrange to have the bill corrected to reflect the 'off-peak' for the last month (NOT T33 though) and that she'd arrange to make an appointment to have another Energex guy come out to connect T33 - BUT get this - she actually said "of course they are not at liberty to discuss your account in anyway with you". Well if that's not one way of trying to keep me in the dark!

Needless to say, I haven't heard from anyone about any appointment since I hung up the phone 3 days ago.
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