Posted: 13 Aug 09 08:59 Post subject: Rude condescending judgemental behaviour Organisation name: Not Applicable Issue type: Comment
Complaint against centrelink staff goes like submit a form to centrelink details with your problem staff etc and it goes to the manager of that branch of centrelink.Generally, End of story....Still not happy you ring up Centrelink Customer Relations Unit and make a formal complaint.Now customer relations ONLY receives complaints it does not investigate complaints...your complaint ends up at the centrelink office where you made the 99% of cases end of story...
Posted: 03 Feb 09 10:20 Post subject: Rude condescending judgemental behaviour Organisation name: Centrelink Issue type: Complaint
Customer Service Rep named G was completely rude and judgemental.
Was trying to claim a Parenting payment because I have been out of work since the end of October of last year.
Had as much of the paperwork to sort out the claim, but I had some things missing, not enough so I thought I should go to the local office at Wallsend to start the claim, and hopefully have enough to go on.
CSR G was friendly and helpful at the start, but as soon as I told him that I hadn't had work since 31/10/08 he became judgemental and condescending in his attitude. Trying to explain that I have been actively looking for suitable work since that time was no excuse. I was apparently supposed to lodge a claim the minute I resigned.
When I asked to speak to a team leader or supervisor, I was told that they were all in a meeting. I again tried to explain that I didn't want to go on any sort of benefit and have been trying to get work was met with more sarcasm and eventually was told that I would not be dealt with today at all. In the end I collected all my paperwork and left the office, unfortunately using some four letter language toward him and another employee.
I have already called the Centrelink Customer Relations line and have had a wonderful person there calm me down with understanding and empathy, which was all I was looking for from this CSR at the office. She even expressed the fact that some people at the offices should not be there at all, not even working for Centrelink. I know that this will most likely be passed onto the same area I have already spoken to as well, but putting the words down is a cathartic exercise. It's making me feel better about the whole exercise in the first place.