Posted: 14 Aug 09 12:25
Post subject: veteran centrelink user observes thier stupidity
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
GASRB6, yes, Ombudsman.."an offical who investigates complaints against govt dept"..yes but the problem,and I have to laugh here is.... the ombudsman doesn't have the power to tell centrelink what to do. Centrelink is a govt dept whom does as it pleases.Tthere is no accountability for this Govt dept run by overinflated fat cats hiding in their executive dining rooms.And maybe with the Ombudsman over a five course tax payers lunch.
Posted: 05 Jun 08 15:49
Post subject: veteran centrelink user observes thier stupidity
Organisation name: Not Applicable
Issue type: Comment
My sister has been on a disability pension for over 20 years for a heart condition. She does not have to continually see doctors etc which suggests to me that your doctor has not indicated on the forms that get sent to Centrelink that your condition is permanent and unlikely to change. I have seen these forms and there are considerable opportunities for doctors to note that you are permanently incapacitated.
I have little time for those who believe that Centrelink payments are a given right. So many people have cheated the system for too long and I completely support the actions of Centrelink to try and control this.
There is no way that Centrelink would stop payments for four months without you having been informed. If I ring Centrelink today, I normally have a letter confirming any changes made within 2-3 business days. Their service in this regard is fantastic.
I suspect that there is more to this scenario that you have noted in your posting on NGE?
Posted: 29 May 08 12:01
Post subject: veteran centrelink user observes thier stupidity
Organisation name: Not Applicable
Issue type: Comment
"The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. "
Hey Cantgetno may I repsectfully suggest your left hand doesnt know what your right hand is doing if it took you almost 4 months to realise you wernt getting paid ? How on earth did you survive , in these times you must obviously have some hidden source of money . I know I would realise if my next pay didnt coem on time......
Posted: 03 May 08 08:05
Post subject: veteran centrelink user observes thier stupidity
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
'I found out only a few days ago that my centrelink payment had been cancelled since January (which thay ibnformed me about at the end of April).'
You didn't realise for 3 months that no payments were going to your bank account
This would suggest you had some other form of financial income for the last 3 months, otherwise I'm sure you would have contacted C'link about your payment being canceled earlier, was this the reason they cut you off?
Posted: 03 May 08 01:17
Post subject: veteran centrelink user observes thier stupidity
Organisation name: Centrelink
Issue type: Complaint
I have been on a centrelink incapacitated allowance for a number fo years, having had a serious illness for 16 years. During this time I have my payments cut off continuously for "not complying" with their demands.
I have had to pay for extra doctor's visits to get seconds on treating doctor's reports and medical certificates, which centrelink claimed to have lost.
I had to have a centrelink medical assessment, which I had to ask my mother to take time off work to get me there (obviously the fact that you are so disabled that you cannot get there without assistance- and I mean someone holding me up- is not sufficient evidence that you are sick) only to find that, pardon my french, bitch receptionist had cancelled my appointment. So I had to ask mu mum to take more time off work to take me AGAIN, only to find that the treating doctor's report that they claimed went missing was there along with the second one.
I have been refused a disbalilty payment so many times it is not funny. You would think that being sick for 16 years would warrant this, and every interview with a disability officer I have had has recommended me for this type of payment, but the answer from the top always comes back the same- NO.
I found out only a few days ago that my centrelink payment had been cancelled since January (which thay ibnformed me about at the end of April). In spite of this, they had been sending me mail, demanding interviews and generallt harassing me like I was on a payment. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.
I have been sent notices to attend jobstart meetings although I have a current medical certificate.
I could go on.
By the way, for most complaints about government servives the 'propensity to switch' meter is not an option.