Posted: 14 Aug 09 12:55
Post subject: Centrelink bullying survey, what about the clients?
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
I like to SHARE my bad experiences with everyone, I know my rights and when its quite apparent Im being manipulated or moved on by shady practices I`1l jump down their throats every time yelling this is "NOT GOOD ENOUGH"...that reminds me i must book another flight with whom again......come fly with me,lets fly away.....
Posted: 14 Aug 09 12:41
Post subject: Centrelink bullying survey, what about the clients?
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
Considering your other posts on this site where you gleefully advise everyone that you abuse, yell & scream at Kmart, Salvation Army, Centrelink staff etc etc I would not be at all surprised to find your annoying trivial complaints filed in the bin...
Posted: 14 Aug 09 07:45
Post subject: Centrelink bullying survey, what about the clients?
Organisation name: Not Applicable
Issue type: Comment
Social security - post:- Rude Condescending judgmental behavior will give you the avenues to complain about bad centrelink staff,unfortunately as you probably are quite aware "THING" they end up in the bin.
Posted: 13 Aug 09 11:07
Post subject: Centrelink bullying survey, what about the clients?
Organisation name: Centrelink
Issue type: Complaint
I find this very objectionable considering me as a client of centrelink have to put up with this sort of staff bullying on a day to day basis.But the poor pampered centrelink public servants have to have a survey to stamp out this in their work place.
Centrelink Workplace Bullying Survey 2009
Your responses will be kept confidential –
First Name:
Last Name:
1. Are you: Male Female
2. What is your occupation?
About your workplace
3. Do any of these things happen in your workplace? Please select all that apply
intimidating behaviour – shouting, ordering, belittling
abusive language
nasty or hurtful teasing and jokes
interference with personal belongings or people’s work equipment
threats of the sack
threats of no promotion or limited career prospects
oppressive / unhappy workplace
fear of speaking up about conditions, behaviours, safety etc
pressure of impossible targets
being forced to accept or sign individual contracts (eg. Coaching
notes, Performance appraisals)
demands to perform tasks without adequate training
being forced to stay back to finish work or additional tasks
compulsory overtime
physically threatening behaviour
Phone calls at home pressuring you to return to work when you are at home
Other - please specify in the box below
4. Who mainly carries out this behaviour?
5. Is there a particular person or group of people in your workplace who, due to their position or
role in the organisation, appear to be more subjected to bullying behaviour? Yes No
If YES, what position or role does this person or group of people hold?
About how you are feeling
6. Have you or your fellow workers experienced any of the following as a result of bullying behaviour?
Sleep difficulties
Feeling stressed
Feeling angry
Feeling depressed
Feeling fearful
Stomach problems
Feeling helpless
Other - please specify in the box below
7. Has this behaviour affected your home and/or social life? Yes No
If YES, please provide details
8. Have you or fellow workers taken time off because of this behaviour? Yes No Don't know
If yes, what sort of leave was taken?
9. Is anything being done to stop this behaviour? Yes No Don't know
If YES, what is being done about it?
If NO, what do you think should be done about it?
10. Is workplace bullying a significant problem in your office? Yes No Don't know
If YES, can you please give examples?
11. Have you reported anyone for bullying in the last twelve months? Yes No
12. Are you confident that you would get the right support from your employer should you need
to raise the issue of workplace bullying? Yes No Don't know
13. Have you any other comments or stories?
Thank you for completing the survey