Posted: 18 Sep 09 17:53
Post subject: Poor customer relations and inconvenience
Organisation name: Burswood Entertainment Complex Perth
Issue type: Complaint
Complaint against Burswood Entertainment complex Perth WA
I wanted to enter the Farmer wants a wife $40,000 wedding package competition for a friend of mine, so I rang Burswood two days ago and was assured by the call centre that the recipient of that prize doesn't have to be present at the time of the drawing, so I wanted to enter the draw for a friend of mine, and unbeknownst to my friend entered her so that if she won, she and her husband could renew her vows, and it would have been a surprise from me.
I am not a gambler per se and rarely go to the casino, and only went to enter the competition for my friend.
When I arrived there, I was directed to the barrels located towards the back of the casino and I asked two staff members which barrel to put the entry into. One lady said this barrel, the other staff member said the other one, but because there wasn't any sign up for the comp. I nearly put my entry into it but was hesitant so I didn't.
The staff told me to walk back toward the entrance and ask there, as they werent sure. I was angry as I nearly lost my entry form in the wrong barrel. I was helped by a staff member who found it which was a tiny barrel located out in the main foyer. I still put in a written complaint at Club Burswood as I was agitated that the staff didn't know even which barrel to enter
,f cor where it was located and I was led on a wild goose chase to find the correct one.
Today I rang the casino to find out when the major draw was to take place, only to be informed that the recipients would have to be there at the time of the drawing. I am so completely pi**ed off that I was given incorrect information in the first place, not only over the phone but in the casino itself.
My friend didn't even know I took the liberty of entering her in this competition and could not have been there anyway as they are going to Bali tomorrow and the major draw takes place this Monday 21st. Had I been given the correct information in the first place, I wouldn't have been in this predicament. I would not have bothered going up to the Burswood complex and the staff would have saved me a trip.
I was telephoned by x from club Burswood whom apologised and informed me that every week people get drawn from a barrel which they don't have to be there for and those entries go in for the major prize draw and the winning recipient has to be present.
Not only do I feel inconvenienced and misdirected by the staff, I am also extremely angry as well. She asked for my friend's name and informed me that her competion entry had not been chosen anyway, as she claims she had the list of those people in front of her, but that is not the point.
I am absolutely disgusted in the way I was treated. I feel extremely let down, embarrased, and mislead.
Posted: 18 Sep 09 19:30
Post subject: Poor customer relations and inconvenience
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
What is your predicament? The draw hasn't taken place as yet, so in fact nothing has happened other than you being inconvenienced by possibly being given some misleading information.
Posted: 22 Sep 09 22:27
Post subject: Poor customer relations and inconvenience
Organisation name: Not Applicable
Issue type: Comment
I agree with the Burswood Casino staff not knowing what is happening in their own building. I went there last week, and was told something similar. I asked where to go to sign up to become a member (my first time there), and I was told to go to a particular desk. I wasnt told how to get there, just told to go to a particular desk.
I eventually found where I was to go, and waited in line behind some people who kept on running off and coming back all the time. I was not told to go to another person when they became free, there was no line-up was every man for themselves.
And after joining up, I was told to fill out a competition entry form for a competition at the end of the month, where I would not have to be present to win.