Posted: 14 Nov 09 17:34
Post subject: Having to Pay for Irrigation Water that is not supplied
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
Most charities and government organisations get large fleet discounts on cars. It actually costs less to buy a car, and update it every two years than every 4 years, as they don't have to cop as much depreciation.
Before GST when tax rates were higher, local governments (and some charities) were exempt from Sales tax on motor vehicles. There was rules, like the car had to have traveled a minimum 40,000km, or be 2 years old before disposing, otherwise they would be liable for the tax. That exemption, combined with fleet discounts meant that if they purchased the right car, they could actually sell it 2 years later for more than they paid for it.
It's not as lucrative now, but still within their best interests before they get slugged with depreciation much beyond their discount.
Posted: 12 Nov 09 21:17
Post subject: Having to Pay for Irrigation Water that is not supplied
Organisation name: Not Applicable
Issue type: Comment
I understand that most Government and councils act this way.
My biggest problem with this is "What can be done to rectify the situation".
This is Australia, supposed to be the lucky country, but lucky for who?
Certainly not the majority.
If Goulburn-Murray Water took a good look at themselves, then looked at the water right holders who aren't getting their allocated water but still paying for it, then they should hang their head in shame. But as they are only interested in their own well being, they certainly won't be wanting to change their eloborate little system.
Again I ask, "What can be done about it"?
I can see a time coming in the future where these water bailiffs wouldn't want to be seen in these vehicles for fear of retribution.
Posted: 09 Nov 09 06:27
Post subject: Having to Pay for Irrigation Water that is not supplied
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
I feel for you but every government department behaves in this way. Our local council replaces all the employee vehicles every two years and with the don't care attitude of the drivers they are usually wrecks by this time.
My primary vehicle is a 1994 dual cab Toyota Hilux,15 years old this month.
Even though I am on the 'Do Not Call Register' I get many calls from charities and some I have contributed to. Last week I had a call from the local Police Youth Club begging for money. The next day while waiting at a set of traffic lights in my old Hilux a brand new dual cab Hilux stopped in the lane beside me. The logo on the door read PYC. From now on charities? can go to hell.
Posted: 08 Nov 09 22:13
Post subject: Having to Pay for Irrigation Water that is not supplied
Organisation name: Goulburn-Murray Water
Issue type: Complaint
I have really had a gutful of the Irrigation system in the Goulburn Murray Water area. If as a farmer I am supplied more than 30% of my allocation which is 320Ml, the Water authority forces the farmer to pay for the whole entitlement, even if he is only supplied 100Ml. We have all been robbed of our Stock & Domestic supplies which were guaranteed so that stock could have water to drink, yet even the crummy Water Bailiffs drive around in $60,000 top of the range Nissan & Toyota four door utes. Remember that these staff are the bottom of the ladder. These Water Bailiffs get full use of these vehicles for a measly sum of money taken out of their salary, which doesn't even cover depreciation or running costs when they are using these vehicles for their own use.
They are on such a good wicket that most of them have sold their private vehicles because the Water Commission vehicles are both better and more expensive.
So we as farmers are having to pay for things that we don't get, I can't think of any other business that takes money without supplying goods, whilst these staff that most are not even qualified as tradesmen get all the benefits.
If you think that the system stinks, just think how we feel when we see one of these overpaid junkies driving around to Tennis, Cricket, pulling a trailer carting sand and much more. Go past one of the local Pubs and you will see 4 or 5 of these "easy cars".
Who is Paying For Them? We as farmers can't afford such vehicles, yet we are paying for them to use.
Annoyed - Yes, Very Much So!!!