Posted: 17 Feb 10 13:35 Post subject: Distributing brochures is Slave Labour! FALSE advertising!! Organisation name: n/a Issue type: Complaint
The cost of employing a staff is generally around 1.8~2.4 times salary. There is also the risk of having to maintain employees, recruiting, indemnity insurance, desks and any special office space, and other costs.
It needs to be a "hell of a difference" to make it work, and this is not directed at any specific business.
When you consider everything involved it is not as profitable as it might first appear.
Posted: 17 Feb 10 10:37 Post subject: Distributing brochures is Slave Labour! FALSE advertising!! Organisation name: Salmat Issue type: Comment
Salmat are well known for their slave labour practices, they have a call centre in Geelong where they pay $14 per hour to their consultants to take Telstra calls, Telstra pays Salmat $65 per hour per consulant... hell of a difference isnt it!
Posted: 06 Dec 09 17:07 Post subject: Distributing brochures is Slave Labour! FALSE advertising!! Organisation name: n/a Issue type: Comment
It's obviously changed a lot in the last 20 years.
Back 20 years ago when I was delivering them, it was about $24 per 1000. And Christmas was the best time, as you'd have about 7 different ones at once, meaning you got 7 times as much per house compared to delivering one.
Back then, I had them delivered to my house, and I had two days to deliver each delivery.
Perhaps you could try your local paper. They're bigger, so you'll need a cart or shopping jeep to push them around in, but the pay might be more reasonable. I quit delivering the papers (at about 4 cents each) to take up the leaflets, as they were lighter and easier.
Posted: 05 Dec 09 14:27 Post subject: Distributing brochures is Slave Labour! FALSE advertising!! Organisation name: Salmat Issue type: Complaint
I am newly retired.. needing a little boost to my income and some exercise at the same time. Thought about distributing pamphletts and got on the internet to check it out. Found the Salmat ad ...
it says "2-3 hours per week, good $$$$, car not necessary". HA HA HA. Registered on their web site and got a call from a local distributor. Agreed to start this weekend. Picked up a mountain of paper at her home yesterday. Without a car I could not have a) picked them up or b) delivered them. It took me several hours to just unload the car, undo the stacks and sort them into deliverable piles. So much for the 2-3 hrs!! And I still hadn't delivered any! Then I find that there is a flat fee paid - no matter how many brochures you get per week. I decided this was not for me and returned the mountain of paper to the point of origin. She told me that starting at Christmss was a bad idea - as you have a lot more then, BUT no more $$$! I felt bad for letting her down but I will not be a slave to anyone.