servos with no toilets
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PostPosted: 25 May 10 01:16
Post subject: servos with no toilets

Morality is innate to us and not a result of religion. Like someone once said, a wicked person will do wicked things, a good person good things and to get a good person to do wicked things usually takes religion.

Those societies that are still deeply religious, you will find, have the worst human rights records, high crime, corruption and incidents of violence. I'd rather live in a secular society thank you very much.

You do have a point regarding respect and boundaries. Kids will usually emulate what they observe and are taught. With both parents needing to work to get by, video games, television and computers have replaced parental guidance, books and creative play in fresh air and sunshine.

Too many parents try to be their childrens' best friends rather than being parents. Probably because the current generation of parents are still growing up themselves.

Kids minds are being bombarded with all kinds of stuff via electronic media and parents are either out of their depth or disinterested to regulate access, explain and/or place things into some kind of context for their children.

Where I had Treasure Island, Jules Verne and the Hobbit during my childhood, kids now have Grand Theft Auto and other suchlike material, which exposes them to adult topics and excessive violence before they have the ability to understand what they are actually looking at.
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PostPosted: 17 Apr 10 18:04
Post subject: servos with no toilets

Dear Bronhill - that was in the days where there was a compulsory subject in schools called Scripture. In this class yes we were taught about God but we were also taught about morals, right from wrong, respect, etc. etc.
Since the "Do Gooders and Politically correct Dimwits" managed to have this done away with there is no respect for other people's property, consideration of others, morals, ethics and just plain doing unto others as you would have done to you. As a kid growing up and now I would never steal, abuse other people's property or be disrespectful to others. Seems times have changed. Also we now have more people born outside Australia than born here so they have very different values.
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PostPosted: 17 Apr 10 10:49
Post subject: servos with no toilets

Perhaps it is because people no longer respect property? While there is an expectation a service be provided, the owners are possibly fed up with people leaving the place in a mess or even worse stealing anything and everything such as door handles, paper towel,soap and toilet paper- even the toilet lids??. What is it about this country, that people are no longer considerate? Many seem to think it is acceptable to " knock off" anything that is not tied down when they know it does not belong to them! It may be a consumable but it is not theirs to take. Perhaps it is an hereditary hangover from the convict era?? If so then how about we send any thieving ratbags back to the UK!Of course the police won't or can't do anything as they are already overworked, plus the penalties not being worth it and so it continues. As a child,we were taught not to steal- not always because of consequences but out of consideration. How would you feel if......
No wonder service station owners have decided to remove this facility?
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PostPosted: 16 Apr 10 08:25
Post subject: servos with no toilets

I too have been caught this way on a trip to Canberra.......the service station told me their toilets were ot of order (Not believable) and directed us to the park opposite. Toilets there were disgusting, it was late in the day, I was quite worried as there were a few ferrals around. Now days, I ask about the toilet first and if it is not available I move on to the next servo to purchase my petrol and I tell them why. If it happens to be a Coles or Woolies outlet I email them and complain. I can see both sides of the argument but I think locked toilets where you ask for the key is the way to go. icon_evil.gif
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PostPosted: 08 Apr 10 12:47
Post subject: servos with no toilets

Have you looked at the National Public Toilet Map
Its on the "toiletmap" website...
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PostPosted: 27 Mar 10 12:15
Post subject: servos with no toilets

>>Maybe if service stations had nice clean toilets that cost a dollar to use<

In Ireland you pay 1 Euro for the use of immediate self cleaning toilets after you have left.
The entire unit is fully sanitised after each use with a high pressure system from all angles.

Obviously its the few dis-respective vandals that spoil it for the rest.
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PostPosted: 22 Oct 09 18:24
Post subject: servos with no toilets

Okay, so my last comment was edited. I haven't read the terms and conditions in a while. I included in my entry a link to a map the government have released of public toilets which are accessible at all times (unless listed.) If you can't post links, anyone can find it by using an Australian search engine and using the term 'toilet map,' as peculiar as that sounds. You can upload the points to your GPS and the original poster should have no cause to complain, though that seems unlikely.
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PostPosted: 19 Oct 09 21:08
Post subject: servos with no toilets

There is a public toilet in Thomas st, one block from centrelink or the Dandenong train station which isn't 3 miles from Centrelink...

Perhaps you could go to the toilet before going to centrelink to save you your apparent human rights violation icon_rolleyes.gif
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PostPosted: 19 Oct 09 19:57
Post subject: servos with no toilets

well this brings me to directly to one of lifes pains in the butt.Centrelink and toilets.Your in one of those long long lines in your local centrelink customer service centers and need to spend a penny? busting ? try your local dandenong centrelink for permission to use the public toilets on site.its worse than filling out an application for newstart.Once your convinced a centrelink office worker that you desperately need to go ,then you go through the process to find the "toilet key monitor" who will walk you to the toilet un lock it and then instruct you with a pointed finger to lock the door on exit.I find the whole process a crime against human rights.Its either go through this process or walk 3 miles to the local shopping center.
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PostPosted: 14 Oct 09 15:48
Post subject: servos with no toilets

As usual, the complaints on this website never fail to amuse me. The term unAustralian generally amuses me, as does the general idiocy of the majority of the people living in Australia.
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PostPosted: 13 Oct 09 20:53
Post subject: servos with no toilets

and so you get so desperate you pee in the bushes. In the eyes of the law that is a crime. eusa_wall.gif
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PostPosted: 09 Oct 09 10:58
Post subject: servos with no toilets

l was in a servo in Dandenong a while ago with my wife, we watched as a man pleaded with an arrogant man on the register to use a toilet
why it was clear by the smell and show that this poor older gent had soiled himself while pleading,
a few of us demanded that the man be allowed to clean himself up or we would all walk without paying.

Eventually he was allowed.

Not Australian
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PostPosted: 23 Sep 09 19:03
Post subject: servos with no toilets

Well Bugbuyer, that puts a new spin on "spending a penny". But then again that's inflation for you. icon_lol.gif
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PostPosted: 22 Sep 09 22:07
Post subject: servos with no toilets

I realise that toilets can be a Major issue due to abuse and damage caused by Idiots..
I am from the country and its even hard to find a clean toilet in Major towns..
I would gladly pay a Dollar to use a clean toilet.

You can usually find nice clean toilets at truck stop service stations.. but these aren't everywhere..

You only need to look at the damage to toilets at some MacDonald's, and they are cleaned all the time.
and their toilets are all inside their buildings,
so naturally toilets outside service stations are usually a target for vandals and idiots..

Maybe if service stations had nice clean toilets that cost a dollar to use...

When You really need to go...
whats a dollar or 2 ?? or more...??

I don't really think that every service station should have toilets.. [but they did have back in the late 50s & 60s from memory.. and had signs stating so]
but I'm sure that toilets would attract customers..
out on the highways...
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PostPosted: 22 Oct 08 07:29
Post subject: servos with no toilets

You don't even want to know about the filth I have encountered with service station toilets. I used to manage petrol sites and not only do some people leave them in a state that has required an industrial cleaner on some occasions, they are also used for druggies wanting to shoot up. They leave their syringes behind which then creates an OH&S issue and a public liability.
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