Posted: 25 May 10 21:37
Post subject: Intervention Orders
Organisation name: Not Applicable
Issue type: Comment
Can someone fill me in here? A neighbour of mine who I have spoken to maybe 3 times in 4yrs has taken out an intervention order against me and another neighbour who lives in between us. She and her son have been causing havoc in our street for 4 yrs, and
also took out an order 2 weeks ago against more neighbours who live opposite. What she has stated is
absolute lies and I am now in a position of having to disprove it. She claims that I have been to the estate agent and tried to have her evicted (not true) and that I went to her place of employment and harassed her! I dont even know her last name, let alone where she works. In fact I thought she was on a pension and didnt work. Where do I stand now.
Posted: 26 May 10 06:22
Post subject: Intervention Orders
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
> Where do I stand now.
You would best ask that question to any or all of, amongst others: your local police, a solicitor, your local MP could provide some advice, a magistrate,.... - NOT an internet forum.
It reads like you might have a case for defamation, but I am an internet avatar of unknown legal skill.
Posted: 26 May 10 11:08
Post subject: Intervention Orders
Organisation name: n/a
Issue type: Comment
It most likely will be an INTERIM intervention order which is an order with conditions before a full intervention order is given by a magistrate.
It should have a court date for the hearing if you wish to challenge the order.
Go to court & present your side of the argument to the magistrate if you don't want an order issued.
Take some family members with you for support & they may also be able to co-oberate your evidence for your side of the story.
Just contact the local court house and ask them to explain how the court process for these type orders work.
You could explain to the magistrate that your neighbour is a proliferent time waster of the court by applying for these 'orders' for numerous people in your area, if the magistrate agree's you neighbour may be listed as a vexatious complainant and prevented from obtaining similar orders in the future.