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OPSM Chadstone
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Edgars Tyrepower

Top 10 Gripe Responses

We ask last week's Top 10 Gripes companies to respond.

  1. Telstra
  2. Mambo
  4. ANZ
  5. Hilton eHealth Club
  7. Big W
  8. Who?

No Reply
Companies / Govt who dont reply.

Changing our Ways
In the Press
Our Vital Stats
Our Business

Company contacted.

"I wish I could up my rates by 50% and expect my customers to be happy" says freddnerk

Telstra ups the rental costs for small business packages by 50% overnight.

I got this "wonderful" letter telling me of this new "Tailored features to suit your business" and how great it will be for me etc etc etc.

This letter is in very small print, making it hard to follow and I suspect that they hope people will assume it is a minor charge. The set of features were being charged at $12/mth and now its $18/mth.

This is a 50% increase. WOW I wish I could up my rates by 50% and expect my customers to be happy.

Company contacted.

"They still have my bikinis and I'm left short" says Carly-Jane

In February of 2001, I bought a Mambo bikini and matching boardshorts from Surf, Dive N' Ski in Brisbane's Myer Centre.

After using the bikini once a week over a period of a few months, the fabric unravelled and exposed the elastic underneath. I was no longer able to wear the bikinis without it unravelling and the rubber rubbing against my stomach.

Disappointed with such a well-known Australian company, I emailed the Mambo company who responded by telling me to send the bikini to their head office in Sydney. I did this, including the boardshorts, and more than seven months later, have had no response.

Last week I emailed them again, and got a reply from a woman claiming she didn't know what had happened to them and I should call the woman I sent them to. After saying I had an STD bar on my phone and could not call that number (when really, after 3 emails and sending them $130 worth of products, why should I?), I have received no response. They still have my bikinis and I'm left short.

Mambo is such a popular company among teenagers and its promoted such a good Australian product, that its staff have seemed to have forgotten that it was the customers that turned a small company into such a big one. I will not buy from them again and I encourage other people out there to spend their money on quality products from people with better customer service skills.

NGE Note: Carly says that she has since had a letter from Mambo requesting her bikini size so that they may forward her a bikini from their current range. Carly states that while this is good response from Mambo - despite the fact that she first contacted the company last summer - she would prefer to choose her own bikini as sizing is difficult. She awaits further word from Mambo.  
Apology already done, that's part of this odd inclusion. Check Crikey out and decide for yourself.

"A humble apology to Kerry O'Brien" says Pricey

Neil Crullers Woolrich has spent the morning cleaning out his ears and has promised to stop listening to loud music after mis-hearing Maxine McKew on "The 7:30 Report" last night (July 15).

Our Sydney correspondent thought he heard Maxine say that she was filling in for Kerry O'Brien who was on an "eight week break", when Maxine had actually said that Kerry was on "a week's break".

Crullers went on in this morning's sealed section ( to slam the respected presenter for taking such a long break, which he now accepts was completely baseless and for which he unreservedly apologises.

Crullers was slapped with a yellow card as soon as 7:30 Report executive producer Jonathan Holmes alerted us to the error and was formally relieved of all Crikey duties between 0700 and 1200 today, 16 July 2002, which meant he couldn't call up Pricey on 2UE.

Once again, our sincere apologies, Kerry.

NGE Note: As we say at NGE, it's not that we make mistakes but how we deal with them that counts. Crikey's nomination on NGE is admirable. They've also nominated themselves to Media Watch for a "bollocking".

Company contacted.

"Not good enough ANZ. Nothing short of blatant robbery" says blondy

I have an Eftpos card through my ANZ Access Advantage Account. The only money that goes into this account is from the various credit cards people use to pay for my services in my business.

For this, the bank takes a differing fee each month along with various other fees. For this reason, I have no idea exactly how much money is in the account. One would assume that if there was no money left in the account any Eftpos transaction would be disapproved.

Not so!

On 24 June I had a balance of $98.69 and successfully used my card for a purchase of $108.57. On 26 June I used the card again for a $20.65 purchase and $50 in cash and the transaction was disapproved. I tried again for the purchase only and the sale went through successfully.

I made a mental note that it was obviously low and not to use it again until it was topped up. On 1 July the bank took a fee of $37.08.

When I received my statement on the 8 July I found to my horror that each of those 3 transactions had incurred an immediate honour fee of $29.50 EACH.

Not good enough ANZ. Nothing short of blatant robbery. When I rang the bank I was informed that as Eftpos is online it is out of the bank's control. In that case what is the criteria for approval and disapproval?

If I was already overdrawn after the $108.57 purchase and I was disapproved for the $20.65 purchase+$50 in cash, why was the purchase, then allowed to go through minus the cash?

The person I spoke to said quite readily that she was only able to credit back one of the honour fees. For that I suppose I have to be thankful. The card will now only be used for banking purposes and not for purchases. Ah well, that's progress.

Ryobi or Black & Decker?  
Company contacted

Is it Ryobi or is it Black and Decker - who services who? Who supplies the parts.

"What's the point of a website asking for customer feedback when they don't respond?" asks Renhoek007

I sent my (Black and Decker) whipper snipper off to the service centre in February this year. Seems it needed a new clutch.

Anyway, turns out it's now July and I still haven't got it back from being repaired. The reason?

The parts [for Black and Decker] come from Ryobi. [NGE NOTE: Ryobi state that this is not the case as Black and Decker is their competition.] Seems Ryobi can't (or won't) supply the parts because they don't know if they've got them, and can't tell the service agent when they will know if they have them!!!

I emailed Ryobi separately for an explanation 1st week of July, and they don't even have the decency to respond. So much for their customer service and, what's the point of a website asking for customer feedback when they don't respond?

Good one Ryobi. Certainly the last cent you'll get from me. BUYER BEWARE.

Virgin Blue Gets RESOLVED  
"Virgin Blue now has my Home, Mobile and Work numbers, my address and email address" says Mitchmob


People may not believe this, but every word is true. It’s all about "service" or more correctly, a complete lack of, and how a company can just ignore someone, hoping they will go away.

First time I have travelled Virgin Blue, is also the last time. Took flights Melbourne - Brisbane then Brisbane - Darwin on 17 May 2002.

When collecting baggage, I noticed that a strap was missing from brand new suitcase. Strap had been used to attach a back-pack to whilst wheeling baggage to check-in counter at Melbourne.

Missing strap in itself was no big deal. After being asked to wait for almost an hour, made a report at check-in counter when I arrived at Darwin and report was registered as ID N0.5653. Telephone contact Numbers were also taken down and I was promised that a search would be made and that I would be contacted in the next couple of days to be given an update as to whether strap had been found on the aircraft or anywhere else. Received absolutely no contact from anyone at Virgin Blue.

When checking in on 27 May 2002 at Darwin for return to Melbourne, I saw the same persons who raised the report and they were disappointed that I had not heard a thing. They checked my details on the report, and have 2 telephone numbers, both of which have a voicemail in case they are not answered. They were to send an email to somewhere in Virgin and told me once again that I would be contacted that same day. Once again, no contact.

On 11 June, I endeavoured to still obtain some acknowledgment and rang Virgin Blue and spoke to "C" also giving her my work number. and sent her details as per above. She assured me that I would receive a phone call later that day, or no later than the next from one of 2 people – a "M" or a "K". STILL NO RESPONSE!!

"C" did give me her email address and direct number and asked that I contact her if nothing happened. Nothing did!

Absolutely fed-up, I then sent all this information by email to the CEO, with a copy to "C".

Would you believe still not a response.

Virgin Blue now has my Home, Mobile and Work numbers, my address and email address.

I am disgusted at this lack of service, particularly from an airline that is currently heavily promoting its customer service. I just wish that Sir Richard were aware of this and perhaps how they are wasting advertising revenue on a service that for me does not exist.

All I have been asking for is some form of acknowledgment that my report even exists.

Initially, I would have been happy with a response from Virgin Blue saying something like "We are sorry Mr. Mitchell, but we have not been able to locate the missing strap from your luggage", but now after 2 months from the date of the first event, I think that would now be too late.

I have in the meantime been in touch with the luggage retailer who was quite happy to provide me a replacement strap at no charge. So you see, it is NOT about money or getting a new strap, merely about courtesy/service.

Maybe someone up there is punishing me for leaving the Qantas quality service. Thank you for the opportunity to get this off my chest - it's a great service and something that perhaps Virgin Blue may well take note of."


On July 25, mitchmob writes:

A huge pat on the back to "notgoodenough".

What a great result for me and an overall fantastic service to all disgruntled and/or hard-done-by consumers.

After posting of my gripe (see Virgin Blue entry from "mitchmob"),and after Virgin Blue received a call from Fiona alerting them to my complaint, I received an apologetic (at long last) phone call from them within 24 hours, with a promised forthcoming written apology for their self- acknowledged service failure.

I am now much happier and satisfied with Virgin Blue who will, I believe, be re-visiting their Customer Service standards. Hopefully this will assist others that follow. I will now fly with them next time to give them another chance, as I must admit that their in-flight and airport service was excellent.

It has now all been resolved in an amicable fashion.

However, the question still remains - why does it unfortunately take a public airing and perhaps embarrassment through "notgoddenough" to elicit a response?

Once again, thanks and congratulations to Fiona Stewart and her "notgoodenough" site and to Virgin Blue for it's apology (accepted).

May the force grow stronger.

NGE Note: Also see response in Corporate Line section on the NGE Homepage.

Big W  
Resolution pending.

"Interesting fact that a store could sell out prior to even opening the doors" notes Karen W

BIG W's catalogue on sale from Saturday July 6 until Friday July 12 advertised on page 13 "Nintendo 64" games at the special purchase price of $19.82 each with 2 popular games pictured and in print "more great titles in store".

Aware that this was a great purchase my husband was at the Browns Plains (Qld) store when it opened and I was at the Kuraby (Qld) store figuring each store would probably stock different titles.

Browns Plains had 4 copies of ONE title in stock upon store opening and when my husband queried the absence of the advertised stock he was told "sorry mate we've sold out". Interesting fact that a store could sell out prior to even opening the doors.

Kuraby didn't do much better with only 2 games in stock. A raincheck enquiry was met with "nope can't do rainchecks on special purchase items".

Nowhere in the catalogue can I find mention to the fact that no rainchecks would be available.

I have since heard from people who were at the Loganholme and Mount Gravatt stores on opening that the same situation applied at these stores. All mentioned stores are in Brisbane.

I emailed BIG W July 7 with my complaint and enquiring if they had intentions of issuing rainchecks or getting the stock in prior to the expiration of the sale date which was Friday July 12. Not to any great surprise, they have not bothered to reply to my email.

Another story of a major chain store advertising an amazingly priced sale item which they have no intention of stocking simply to draw customers through their doors.

Sorry to say we fell for the trick and spent in excess of $150 (on other games so as not to disappoint the kids) whilst in one of the stores.

NGE Note: Karen W adds that she has emailed Big W to complain but has received no response.

Hilton e-Health Club  
Company contacted.

"2 hours of a very pampering and relaxing day turned into a week of pain" says Suzy

I'm just a little disappointed with the out come of a day spent at the e-health club at the Hilton in Brisbane.

Back on 1 June 2002 I went to the e-health club at the Hilton for a 1hr float tank & 1hr massage with a half price voucher that a friend had given me.

I went there and had a wonderful relaxing time. The staff where great. My problem was that 2 days later a pimple like rash started to appear on my stomach, back and legs so I call the e- health club and spoke with the manager and I asked if there was something in the float tank that may have done this to me.

He said that he would get it tested and called me back. He called me back that day and told me that everything was fine with the water and that it was only salted water and that maybe it was something else that gave me the rash.

He did offer to give me some vouchers to come back to use the club but by this time I was getting very upset as the rash was very painful and I knew that it wasn't anything else that caused this rash.

The next day I was covered with over 80 of these very sore spots over my body. I went to the doctor he took samples and told me to take 3 days of work and I had to spend $60 on antibiotics and lotion.

The test results came back and there was a bacteria often found in a hot tub or spa.

Since I wasn't happy with the response I got from the health club I sent a letter to the Hilton Brisbane and they sent me back a letter saying that the health club is a "leased area and not operated directly by the hotel and that they have no control over the incident and that they will investigate it further".

But since that letter dated 11 June 2002 I have not heard a single thing. I'm just very disappointed with the way I was treated over the whole thing.

$60 on 2 hours of a very pampering and relaxing day turned into a week of pain, spending another $60 to kill the bacteria caused by them and losing 3 days work.

NGE Note: While Hilton has apologised in writing Suzy maintains that it is not good enough for someone - Hilton or contracted Health Club - take responsibility.]

Grace Removalists Responds  
"This saga became such a talking point friends that they have lost 3 lots of business" says Wolfy

I wish to inform you of my treatment by Grace Removalists.

On first contact we were misquoted and from there we just spiralled downward from one problem to another. At every instance our contact with Grace has been upsetting to say the very least.

Before the delivery I phoned to double check the date and time. I was told they thought I wanted my furniture on Friday and because they were now booked out they couldn’t do it. The whole thing just sounded rather unprofessional. They just weren’t sure. This was finally fixed after hours of stress and heartache.

That Thursday, we made 6 or 7 phone calls to Grace Removals, each time asking for someone to ring us back and let us know a time.

It took until 6pm to finally be advised of a 3pm drop off. The furniture arrived at 4pm and was ‘rushed’ into the house. When I saw one guy carrying a bent light upstairs it was obviously broken which I pointed out to him.

We were given the checklist to check off the numbers, sometimes the guys just called out numbers from outside as they took items to the garage, and we weren’t given the time or the opportunity to check the condition of the stuff.

I phoned up a week latter and asked for a claim form, and mentioned some of the damaged items I had found so far. The scary part was I kept finding more and more damages.

I went to set up my old TV in my bedroom and the knob was missing. When I went to pick it up, the knob fell out of the handle. I’ve been trying to get the top my second lamp straight and some how that’s just not possible any more.

The bolt on my fan has been bashed, one of my great old 60’s TV chair frames bought for me by a friend is damaged and probably isn’t worth restoring anymore. There is also a hole in the wall behind the laundry door and as soon I found it I remembered the removalists struggling with my (small) washing machine and my friend telling me not to watch, to go outside and have a cigarette.

Anyway, it goes on and on.

When I managed to go a couple weeks without finding any more damages I sent the form in during March, nearly a month later, I received an offer for $200 that I do not consider fair. I phoned up and left an irate message.

Over the weekend I faxed a counter offer of $500, probably half the damages I have incurred (excluding the stress and emotional damage caused, you can’t put a price on that).

Thursday April 18 I was sick of waiting for a reply (it was in the mail) and I phoned the office. I eventually spoke to an ‘area manager’, who made it clear his final offer was $350. I assured him these items were damaged by Grace and he told me I don’t believe that’. I assured him I was telling the truth and he made it clear ‘I don’t believe that’.

For their regional manager to insinuate I am a LIAR by repeating ‘I don’t believe that’ is simply slanderous. To my disgust he ended the phone call with an extremely patronising ‘Thank you very much’.

I do not appreciate being ‘thanked’ for being treated like crap. There is no hope for their customers if this is the standard set by senior management to their staff.

I just wanted it to be over so I sent an urgent fax (10/05/02) to the General Manager detailing my list of complaints. I asked him if he thought I was a liar to just send me out the $350.

However if he would like to see me treated more fairly by Grace to send me out the $500 I asked for as final settlement.

I enclosed the release form and received no acknowledgment. A week later I sent the fax again and again received no acknowledgment.

A week later I faxed the ‘urgent fax’ for the third time to the General Manager (24/05/02). I enclosed a cover note demanding the courtesy to acknowledge my fax.

The following week I received a cheque in the mail for $350 with a patronising formula letter signed by the area manager. The General Manager has never even acknowledged my correspondence!

Grace Removals failed me at every contact at every level. I feel like a huge weight has been lifting with saga finally coming to an end. They obviously expected to outlast me figuring that if they stuffed me around long enough I would give in and let it go. This nightmare experience has just proven to me the saying about big companies not caring about customers. This saga became such a talking point amongst friends that we believe they have already lost 3 lots of business because they didn’t care.

Grace Brothers responds:

Thank you for giving Grace the opportunity to respond to Mr Wolfshaar's comments about our service.

Moving to a new home is stressful for most people, with many of the causes of concern outside the scope of a removalist.

Clearly Mr Wolfshaar does not believe that our service was up to his expectation. My investigation into his comments confirms that we have made a great effort to attend to the issues he has raised with us. There are inevitably two sides to every dispute and I do not want to inflame the matter further by highlighting the contentious areas. Ultimately we have not been able to satisfy him, and this is regrettable.

Grace has an enviable reputation for providing quality service, based on consistency, reliability and respect for customers. Grace has been moving people successfully since 1911. Our determination to resolve any conflict that may arise with customers, with speed and sensitivity, is central to our company culture. We are always disappointed whenever we are unable to resolve matters to the satisfaction of any customer.

Peter Harden
Group Sales & Marketing Manager
Group Head Office - Sydney

Energex's Response is below.

Dear Dr Stewart

Re: 'Double billing' of Ehircock's electricity

An investigation was conducted into Ehircock's concern of double billing.

It was found that Ehircock's meter was connected in 1976 and met the standards at the time. The standards have since changed and on 29 April 2002, an electrical contractor rewired the meter to current standards.

A comprehensive analysis of Ehircock's billing data was also conducted indicating that she was not double charged for electricity. The electrical contractor's suggestion of double billing was made erroneously without the benefit of a billing data analysis.

ENERGEX addressed this issue in response to a query from the Energy Consumer Protection Office (ECPO) on 17 June 2002 and considered the matter resolved.

Kind regards
Nerida Osborne
ENERGEX Retail Pty Ltd
NGE Member Ehircock's Original complaint:

"When the electrician came, he couldn't believe what he saw" says Ehircock

Some 17 yrs ago we had a control box put in for hot water and its wasn't until this year that I noticed a problem with the power box.

We have had 3 hot water systems in 17 years and the latest one was playing up and so I turned the power off on the hot water and also turned the water off on the heater and when I went to put the power on I noticed the power on the water tariff disc was going around with the power turned off.

So I rang Energex explained that the box was put in by "SEQEB" back then and what was happening and was told "that sort of thing doesn't happen that I was wrong."

So on the 22 April I had to get another hot water system through Energex. When the electrician came to put it in I asked him to have a look at the power box and he couldn't believe what he saw.

What was happening was when he turned the power off the tariff was still moving so he rang Energex and they said they would send some one out to look and that was the 29 April this year.

When the electrician came from Energex I explained what was happening. He noticed the wiring was wired into the hot water and the main power and he explained why this was happening and rewired the power box. I explained to him that Energex was having a problem some time ago with people stealing power .

We had a reading and next day an inspector came and asked who had put the box in I told them SEQEB but he never explained what they where looking for. So when it was due in the next 3 months the reader came and the next day another inspector came and looked at the box and asked the same questions and was told the same that I told the first inspector. We were never told what they were looking for.

So when this electrician said I had being paying double the power because of the wiring he said I should get a reimbursement from them and if I hadn't heard anything in 2 weeks to ring which I did and got the run around.

I told them the their electrician had put in a report about the situation then told me to write to attention billing which I did 2 weeks ago that Friday and I still have had no phone call or letter that they are going to look into it.

They have been very silent on the matter. What I want know is if I am entitled to a refund for all those years of paying double power bill?

Now the box works the right way, I check it all the time. and I have a electricity bill coming this month and want to know what they are going to do about it.

Top 10 Gripes
Next Top 10 out August 7
Newsletter link tells why

Meanwhile read your Gripes about NGE

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Who's Getting What Results

Virgin Mobile

The Corporate Line

Where Companies have their say

Virgin Blue
BT Funds
SA Water
Virgin Mobile

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A US Airline has tired to charge an obese man double because he needs 2 seats. Are they justified?

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