"Virgin Blue now has my Home, Mobile and Work numbers, my address and email address" says Mitchmob
People may not believe this, but every word is true. It’s all about "service" or more correctly, a complete lack of, and how a company can just ignore someone, hoping they will go away.
First time I have travelled Virgin Blue, is also the last time. Took flights Melbourne - Brisbane then Brisbane - Darwin on 17 May 2002.
When collecting baggage, I noticed that a strap was missing from brand new suitcase. Strap had been used to attach a back-pack to whilst wheeling baggage to check-in counter at Melbourne.
Missing strap in itself was no big deal. After being asked to wait for almost an hour, made a report at check-in counter when I arrived at Darwin and report was registered as ID N0.5653. Telephone contact Numbers were also taken down and I was promised that a search would be made and that I would be contacted in the next couple of days to be given an update as to whether strap had been found on the aircraft or anywhere else. Received absolutely no contact from anyone at Virgin Blue.
When checking in on 27 May 2002 at Darwin for return to Melbourne, I saw the same persons who raised the report and they were disappointed that I had not heard a thing. They checked my details on the report, and have 2 telephone numbers, both of which have a voicemail in case they are not answered. They were to send an email to somewhere in Virgin and told me once again that I would be contacted that same day. Once again, no contact.
On 11 June, I endeavoured to still obtain some acknowledgment and rang Virgin Blue and spoke to "C" also giving her my work number. and sent her details as per above. She assured me that I would receive a phone call later that day, or no later than the next from one of 2 people – a "M" or a "K". STILL NO RESPONSE!!
"C" did give me her email address and direct number and asked that I contact her if nothing happened. Nothing did!
Absolutely fed-up, I then sent all this information by email to the CEO, with a copy to "C".
Would you believe still not a response.
Virgin Blue now has my Home, Mobile and Work numbers, my address and email address.
I am disgusted at this lack of service, particularly from an airline that is currently heavily promoting its customer service. I just wish that Sir Richard were aware of this and perhaps how they are wasting advertising revenue on a service that for me does not exist.
All I have been asking for is some form of acknowledgment that my report even exists.
Initially, I would have been happy with a response from Virgin Blue saying something like "We are sorry Mr. Mitchell, but we have not been able to locate the missing strap from your luggage", but now after 2 months from the date of the first event, I think that would now be too late.
I have in the meantime been in touch with the luggage retailer who was quite happy to provide me a replacement strap at no charge. So you see, it is NOT about money or getting a new strap, merely about courtesy/service.
Maybe someone up there is punishing me for leaving the Qantas quality service. Thank you for the opportunity to get this off my chest - it's a great service and something that perhaps Virgin Blue may well take note of."
On July 25, mitchmob writes:
A huge pat on the back to "notgoodenough".
What a great result for me and an overall fantastic service to all disgruntled and/or hard-done-by consumers.
After posting of my gripe (see Virgin Blue entry from "mitchmob"),and after Virgin Blue received a call from Fiona alerting them to my complaint, I received an apologetic (at long last) phone call from them within 24 hours, with a promised forthcoming written apology for their self- acknowledged service failure.
I am now much happier and satisfied with Virgin Blue who will, I believe, be re-visiting their Customer Service standards. Hopefully this will assist others that follow. I will now fly with them next time to give them another chance, as I must admit that their in-flight and airport service was excellent.
It has now all been resolved in an amicable fashion.
However, the question still remains - why does it unfortunately take a public airing and perhaps embarrassment through "notgoddenough" to elicit a response?
Once again, thanks and congratulations to Fiona Stewart and her "notgoodenough" site and to Virgin Blue for it's apology (accepted).
May the force grow stronger.
NGE Note: Also see response in Corporate Line section on the NGE Homepage.