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The Winners Board

Winners R Grinners!

Omega Smeg
The Metro Sydney
David Jones
Don Foods
Hungry Jack's
RACV Roadside Assist
Fiasco's Restaurant

NGE Mailbag
NGE News

No Reply
Companies / Govt who dont reply

Litigious Companies
Companies who threaten legal action

Info Links
Helpful Websites

NGE Retractions & Apologies
None at current time

Speakers' Bureau  

As a public speaker, Dr Fiona Stewart, 35, is thought-provoking and more than likely contentious. Fine-tuning her provocative style on the opinion pages of The Australian, The Age, The Australian Financial Review, Sunday Age, Herald Sun and Sydney Morning Herald, on radio shows such as Late Night Live, Australia Talks Back and the ABC Conversation Hour and at live at gigs such State Library of Victoria forums, corporate conferences and Festivals of Ideas, Fiona is available to talk on a wide range of issues including consumer activism and corporate responsibility / accountability.

As the founder of, Fiona knows about the juiciest consumer stories, scandals and deals gone wrong. Her take on corporate malpractice provides insights and raises questions for consumers and companies alike.

Conscious of kicking companies where it hurts for only so long, Fiona provides corporate audiences hands-on advice about what is going wrong. Why it is going wrong. And how to prevent more of the same.

She can be contacted directly on or 0417 398 401


Top 10 Gripes
  1. Westpac*
  2. Fernwood*
  3. Bride to Be Mag*
  4. Australia Post*
  5. Mary Delahunty MP
  6. Video Ezy
  7. Communications R Us*
  8. Direct Dial Cars/*
  9. Ikea
  10. Camperworld*

* Denotes response

NGE Scorecard

Who's Getting What Results

Chubb Home Security
Lenards Chicken
Harvey Norman
VIP Home Services
AAA Fencing
St George

This list is a small selection of the results achieved by NGE

The Corporate Line

Where Companies have their say

Virgin Blue
BT Funds
SA Water
Virgin Mobile

Quote Box
William Scherkenbach

NGE User Agreement
NGE User Agreement

Today is International Human Rights Day. Does the Howard Government do enough for human rights?

I'm not sure

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