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Wrigley X Cite  

Dear Dr Fiona Stewart

Re: X.CiTE competition and question from Dale61

With regard to the X.CiTE competition, the Wrigley Company would like to assure you that all conditions set out by the Lottery Commission permits in each State were followed to the letter and prizes were delivered to winners around Australia.

While we are not at liberty to divulge the names of the instant winners, I have attached a press release about the major prize winner for your personal information. A photograph is available on request.

Yours sincerely
The Wrigley Company

Virgin Blue  

"Virgin Blue prides itself on its customer service and we place great importantce on the way our team interact with our Guests to make sure their entire Virgin Blue experience is an enjoyable one.

We greatly appreciate feedback be it good or bad, as it allows us to identify situations where we can improve or where we have failed to meet our Guests expectations.

Virgin Blue has a Guest Services team dedicated to dealing with any issues our Guests may have and we welcome and encourage anyone to contact us at any time.

We are a low fare airline but we strive to provide an exceptionally high quality service and with the feedback and support of our Guests, we will continue to grow and provide a flying experience second to none."

BT Funds  

Thanks for giving us the chance to respond to the questions raised. We do understand your member "Anitam's" concerns - investment markets have been extremely volatile over the past two years and BT's performance in some areas has been disappointing.

Having said that, BT has a strong reputation for long term investment performance, and has invested heavily in our investment process and people with a view to turning recent performance around. Our client service areas continue to be very highly rated. In fact we were awaded 2001 National Winner of the Customer Service Institute of Australia - across all industries - for a firm of our size.

Without knowing the specific funds that Anitam's has chosen to invest in, it is difficult to comment on the level of income they have recently received. Broadly speaking though if Anitam chose to invest in funds with exposure to shares, then it is likely his/her income has been affected - because over the past year to 30 June 2002 international markets fell approximately 23% (MSCI World - Ex Australia Index) , while the Australian market fell around 4.5 % (S&P ASX 300).

Conversely, if Anitam chose to invest in property, for instance in The BT Property Securities Fund, over the year to 30 June 2002 he/she would have recieved a distribution return (ie. income) of 4.27% and a growth return of 15.26% - after the deduction of management fees.

The most important point to remember is certain asset markets can fluctuate widely from year to year, and any investment involving a high proportion of shares or property should be viewed as a five year or more committment.


BT's policy on fees is they should be consistent and fully disclosed to the investor prior to investing. NGE Member Anitam is right, BT does not decrease the percentage fees it receives on funds managed in times of adverse performance. Importantly though, we do not increase the percentage of fees on funds managed in times of good performance. All commissions and trails payable (to BT and to third party financial advisers) form part of one ongoing management fee - which is fully disclosed in the investment prospectus. There no hidden fees or charges.

Why then does the ongoing fee remain the same, even if sold directly by BT (Anitam's question)?

The reason is BT can't legally charge an investor a different management fee depending on whether or not they have an adviser. In any event, we sincerely believe investors are better served seeing an independent financial adviser than via investing directly with BT. Investments and super can be complex - and independent financial advice is very important in working out which product best suits your individual circumstance.

BT Financial Group

SA Water  

SA Water Supply Restriction Policy

SA Water will work with customers who are experiencing difficulty with payment of their account to develop a mutually agreeable repayment plan. Supply will only be restricted as a last resort after all other attempts to resolve the issue have failed.

In such cases, supply is restricted to a slow flow that will still allow enough water for drinking, cooking and basic hygiene.

SA Water will not restrict supply where it is known there is an infant or invalid in the residence.

Until recently, supply would be restored on the same day if possible or next working day after receipt of payment.

In response to customer concerns that weekends and public holidays mean it could take up to three days for supply to be restored, SA Water has reviewed its policy and operating procedures and is now able to restore supply on the same day, upon proof of payment.

Virgin Mobile  
Nathan Rosenberg of Virgin Mobile writes:

Our customers are very important to us. Virgin companies are built by customers for customers, so we take complaints very seriously.

The great thing about this site is that it helps us understand issues that may be affecting other customers . We appreciate any information you can provide us of issues that come up.

Sometimes you don't know about problems until they come to your attention this way, but this site gives us an opportunity to identify and fix any problems.

We're certainly not afraid of feedback - good or bad - in fact we love it. We take very seriously our brand heritage and its focus on "Excellent Customer Service".


"Centrelink welcomes feedback to help us improve our service delivery," Centrelink National Manager, Hank Jongen, said.  "We actively encourage direct feedback on our services and the experiences customers have in dealing with us."

Customers can comment on the service they get from Centrelink in a variety of ways. They can:

  • talk to any Customer Service Officer;
  • complete a Comment Card at our offices;
  • complete an online Comment Card, by visiting the Centrelink web site at;
  • telephone the Customer Relations Line on Freecall 1800 050 004 or the TTY number for those who have a speech or hearing impairment on Freecall 1800 000 567 (8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. EST); and
  • participate in Customer Satisfaction Surveys and Value Creation Workshops.

"Customers who are unhappy with a Centrelink decision have the right to have the decision reviewed," Mr Jongen said.

To protect customer privacy we can't comment specifically on the circumstances of a particular individual case which is posted to Not Good Enough.  We have, however, contacted the Not Good Enough owner Dr Fiona Stewart to invite customers who post gripes to contact us about their claims.

Centrelink is pleased that this online facility will provide another opportunity for us to learn from our customers about their suggestions for service improvement .

Top 10 Gripes
  1. Westpac*
  2. Fernwood*
  3. Bride to Be Mag*
  4. Australia Post*
  5. Mary Delahunty MP
  6. Video Ezy
  7. Communications R Us*
  8. Direct Dial Cars/*
  9. Ikea
  10. Camperworld*

* Denotes response

NGE Scorecard

Who's Getting What Results

Chubb Home Security
Lenards Chicken
Harvey Norman
VIP Home Services
AAA Fencing
St George

This list is a small selection of the results achieved by NGE

The Corporate Line

Where Companies have their say

Virgin Blue
BT Funds
SA Water
Virgin Mobile

Quote Box
William Scherkenbach

NGE User Agreement
NGE User Agreement

Today is International Human Rights Day. Does the Howard Government do enough for human rights?

I'm not sure

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