And another thing...
Michelle Griffin
The Sunday Age
Page 6 Agenda
Want to complain about your employer, the service at your local restaurant or your phone bill? Dedicated sites where the public can vent their spleen are springing up all over the Internet. Michelle Griffin reports.
Employees used to bitch about their jobs down the pub. Now they're venting online at sites devoted to workplace aggravation. These complaint sites are fun. They're even addictive. But they can be risky.
In May this year, an editorial assistant submitted a memo about her "stupid bosses" to MediaBistro, a media employee website that runs a semi-regular column called Bitch Box - "your rottenest stories and finest whines".
This is her anonymous rant. "Hey editors, get off your f ----- high horses and come down and smell your trash. We are your editorial assistants - not your maids, your mothers or your personal assistants. You've been around long enough to know plants need water and if they don't get it, they die. The refrigerator doesn't keep things forever. I'm tired of my one little yoghurt being surrounded by your seven containers of three remaining bites of a $50 lunch that has been in there so long, it smells like sweaty socks. I'm half your age, make a third of your salary, and after baby-sitting you for over a year, could do your job and still have time for a manicure. The copier is push-button, occasionally the printer does need paper, and the production department is just down the hall. Chimps could do half this stuff. I do not have ESP. If you've told me to do something, it's done, if you didn't, it wasn't. I can't read your mind ? and if it's after 5.30, too late. Your forgetfulness and lack of organisation is not my emergency." She signed it "the assistant" but foolishly identified the culprit, Hearst magazines, US publisher of titles such as Cosmopolitan, Marie-Claire and O, the Oprah magazine.
These mastheads may sell a cheeky girl-power message to the customers but the company does not have a reputation for tolerating insubordination from the staff. Hearst uses software to track mentions of its name on the web. And they are able to trace all e-mails and web links used by employees from its office. They quickly identified the surly assistant, and sacked her.
Although the sacking seriously spooked the editors, writers, assistants and interns that frequent MediaBistro's message boards, many of them sent in their own stories of editorial assistant hell. (Although the one poster from Hearst remembered to say how rewarding and wonderful HER job was.)
"Her words were what we've probably all said at one point or another over a beer with a co-worker after work," protested fellow poster Nikki. "I'm disheartened that it was taken as more than this and that someone saw it as viable grounds for firing."
Employers are becoming more vigilant about policing employees' use of e-mail and Internet on company time and company computers. Software packages like eBlaster and Web Spy (first developed by an Australian company for the WA Government) allow bosses to track every e-mail, every web link, every computer key stroke, to make sure nobody is goofing off, downloading porn or spreading company secrets. Or bitching on company time.
More than one in four American companies have dismissed employees for misuse of the Internet or e-mail, according to a report last year from the American Management Association.
It's increasingly common in Australia, too. In April last year, Telstra suspended 27 workers in its Global Operations Centre in Clayton for downloading pornography and placed another 65 under investigation for "inappropriate usage of the Internet". Workers at Toyota, Holden and Centrelink have been sacked for similar offences. But then there's the case of the two council workers from Narrabri Shire Council who called their managers Huey, Dewey and Louie in an e-mail. They were also discovered and sacked. A Federal Court did find that Ansett had illegally sacked an employee who e-mailed union information to other staff members, but there is still very little protection under privacy laws for grousing by e-mail. The Federal Privacy Commission has issued guidelines recommending that companies spell out their surveillance policies to employees and make it clear what exactly is and isn't acceptable use. But it is not yet compulsory for all corporations to do this.
Despite these risks, employees are still drawn to the web to vent about their bosses, conditions and their customers. As well as media bistro, the sulky sorts in the media business also swap tales at The Vault, a careers and job placement site that allows extremely personal kvetching about companies such as Conde Nast and TimeWarner. Fashion industry gossip site Chic Happens, run by expat Australians Ben Widdicombe and Horacio Silva, relies on the disenchanted underlings of Vogue and Vanity Fair for many of their scoops, such as Vogue editor Anna Wintour's affair with a property tycoon.
In the US, waiters and chefs have let off steam on sites like OnTheRails, ChefChat and the now defunct BitterWaitress, which used to name celebrities who didn't tip or hounded the staff. (Rudy Giuliani and Sharon Stone were notoriously rude to the men and women in white and black.) Those who work the aisles of America's department stores send their worst stories to customerssuck - motto, the customer is never right. "If you are offended by the harsh reality that employees in your local store are not always happy serving you, then find someone who cares," says the notice on the website's opening page. "We're off the clock!" Then there's the self-explanatory IHateMyJob message board. The random complaints generator, which did the most to protect its posters' anonymity by making its archive unsearchable, closed down in July this year. The site's host, Derek Powazek, said that after five years, he was simply overwhelmed with submissions and he was starting to kvetch about his job.
In Australia, employees have begun to colonise, the complaints site established by sociologist Dr Fiona Stewart. is principally a customers' site where people can complain about lousy service. The top 10 gripes are verified with phone calls to the complainant and the business concerned, and then listed on the site every week. Last week, McDonald's copped the number one complaint, and it was a customer complaining about the treatment dished out to the teens behind the counter by the trainee manager.
"When (The manager) found the cups were in the wrong holders, she stated loud enough for all to here (sic) 'Who's the retard?' - who put the cups in the wrong holder. The young lady serving me owned up to it. Not good enough McDonald's!! As I am an active parent in the school community locally, regionally and statewide, I receive sponsorship from their store, but if this is how they really treat and train our children for the workforce at the low wages they earn, then they can count on me to share this news around."
"We've got to be very careful in the employment forum," says Stewart, who says her biggest start-up costs have been legal fees. "That's the area where customer service reps, those who work for banks, those in call centres get to vent their spleen." Sometimes, Stewart can't run complaints about bosses and managers that are sent to her. "They're too complex." She has tried approaching Trades Hall to set up some kind of complaints site. "We do get horror stories. People out there are fairly disempowered."
Most of the employee complaints on are about customers, who are less likely to track down the poster and get them sacked, or to sue. "I treat customers the way they treat me," says "Kate" of Coles. "If you piss me off, I'll get my own back. I'll crush your tomatoes or squash your bread as I put it into your bag, very discreetly of course so that you don't notice until you get home." only went live in February and already has 10,000 active members griping on its message boards about everything from Telstra maintenance to overcharging on their gas bill and the awful pizza they had last Saturday. Stewart says the site had only just gone live when a private health fund approached her to find out "how much it would cost to buy us off. But the only thing we have to go by is our independence". Stewart plans to make money from the site by selling the information back to the companies concerned. She argues that instead of relying on focus groups and market research, companies will pay to find out what the market really thinks of them. The site has also started posting unsolicited praise from happy customers as well, and the site is full of loving notices from happy customers of Bunnings. "That kind of recommendation, unprompted, is worth its weight in gold to a company," says Stewart.
"The thing about the Internet is that it is a peer to peer environment. The unhappy customer has a new-found power, and it's going to be huge."
And the unhappy employee? Well, they should probably keep their thoughts to themselves while at the corporate coalface. They should wait until they get home and log into their anonymous webmail account before they sound off about the boss via e-mail. Then again, remember the editorial assistant who was sacked from Hearst? Magazine editors who read her spray in the Bitch Box contacted MediaBistro wanting to give her a job - as a writer.